Регенерация SSL для VVOL

Генерируем сертификаты на vmcentre, а так же не забываем сгенерить сертификат для каждого хоста:

Так же полезная команда для просмотра лога vvol tail -f /var/log/vvold.log

How to use vSphere Certificate Manager to Replace SSL Certificates (2097936)

Last Updated: 06.10.2021Categories: How toTotal Views: 5455 115Language:                 Chinese (Simplified)JapaneseEnglish                         SUBSCRIBE Learn how VMware Skyline Advisor and Skyline Health Diagnostics work together to provide proactive intelligence and self-service log analysis. Use Skyline Advisor to avoid issues before they occur across VCF, vSphere, vSAN, NSX, vROps & Horizon. Skyline Findings … Читать далее

Настройка VVOL

Troubleshooting Virtual Volume Setup

VVols have been gaining quite a bit of traction of late, which has been great to see. I truly believe it solves a lot of problems that were traditionally faced in VMware environments and infrastructures in general. With that being said, as things get adopted at scale, a few people inevitably run into some problems setting it up.

The main issues have revolved around the fact that VVols are presented and configured in a different way then VMFS, so when someone runs into an issue, they often do not know exactly where to start.

The issues usually come down to one of the following places:

  • Initial Configuration
  • Registering VASA
  • Mounting a VVol datastore
  • Creating a VM on the VVol datastore

I intend for this post to be a living document, so I will update this from time to time.

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Виртуальная машина завершает работу с ошибкой VMware ESX unrecoverable error: (vcpu-33) MXUserAllocSerialNumber: too many locks!

Если у вас выключается виртуалка сама по себе на wmware 6.5 и в логах вы видите такую ошибку VMware ESX unrecoverable error: (vcpu-33) MXUserAllocSerialNumber: too many locks! то нужно сделать следующее:

Shut down the Virtual machine.
Add parameter guest_rpc.rpci.usevsocket to false in the virtual_machine.vmx file:
a. Connect to the host running the virtual machine with an SSH session.
For more information, see Using ESXi Shell in ESXi 5.x and 6.0 (2004746).
b. Navigate to the virtual_machine.vmx file located at /vmfs/volumes/virtual_machine_datastore/ virtual_machine/.
c. Open the virtual_machine.vmx file using a text editor.
d. Add parameter guest_rpc.rpci.usevsocket = «FALSE»
Power on the Virtual machine.

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